
Friday, February 28, 2020

Cadbury purple locker poster

Hey guys
I hope you have had an awesome week and welcome back to another blog post and today I am showing you guys my Cadbury purple locker poster. So I did this poster with my friend Jack and we came up with this idea to do the purple locker together.

I hope you enjoyed having a look at this poster and I hope you keep having a look at my blog post and I will see you in the next one

Thursday, February 27, 2020

My perfect poem parody

Hey guys
I hope you are having a great week and today I am showing you a poem that we had to make a parody of William Carlos William's poem. As you can see I have my one on the left and his on the right. The blue highlighting is the words I changed.

I hope you enjoyed my parody of William Carlos William's poem and keep looking at my posts bye

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

My fantastic family Tree

Hey, guys, I hope you are having a great week so far
and welcome to another blog post today I am showing you my family tree. Now in my family tree, I don't have much immediate family only aunts, uncles and grandparents, no cousins or anything like that me and my sister are the only grandchildren.

See I told you my family was pretty small, well I hope you enjoyed seeing my family tree and I will see you in the next one see ya guys

Monday, February 24, 2020

Community learning

Hey guys
I hope you guys are having a good day today and welcome back to another blog post today we had to make a slide explaining a whole lot about different communities. I hope you enjoy this slide

Well did you enjoy learning about the different communities, well I hope you did and I will see you in the next poste

Friday, February 21, 2020

Scraps add up

Hey Guys I hope you guys are having an awesome day and here is another blog post. Today I am showing you a whole lot of facts about why you should not leave scraps because scraps add up.

I hope you liked this slide and keep on looking at my posts and I will be posting more next week see ya guys

My weekly menu

Hey guys
I hope you have had an amazing week and today I am going to show you my weekly food plan to reduce waste. I hope you guys enjoy this slide show and I hope you learn something about reducing waste

Soccer player statistics

Hey guys
And welcome back to another blog post today I am showing you 8 facts about football. We had to do some statistics about a certain sport so I chose Football to do them on. Before we looked at the stats we had to make a slide about some questions that we could ask to get these results.

1. The highest goal scorer in the world is Pele with a count of 1,281 within a period of 21 years
2. In 2019 lionel Messi was the best player in the world
3. The best goalkeeper in the world in 2019 was Marc Ter Stegen, Germany (Barcelona, SPA) - 27
4. The best defender in the world is Virgil Van Dijk.
5. The best striker in 2019 was no other than Cristiano Ronaldo
6. The best midfielder in 2019 was John McGinn
7. The person with the most intercepts is Diego Rico AFC Bournemouth Spain 66
8. The highest-paid player in 2019 was Lionel Messi who takes the top spot with $127 million

I hope you enjoyed learning about some of the stats about football and I hope you learned something out of this blog post.

Friday, February 14, 2020

My pleasing portrait

Hey Guys
I hope you have had an amazing 7-8 week holiday but now we are back to school for another year of blogging.

One of the pieces of art we have done so far this year is our portraits. My portrait has not been finished just yet but when I do finish it I will update this post with it on it.

 Some of the things you will see in the portrait are my favourite things to do. One of my favourite things to do is karate, I have been doing it since I was 5 years old and I have continued doing it until this very day. Right now I am a black belt and even if you don't do karate most people know that that is the highest belt

Another thing I love to do that you will see is training. I love to train every morning from 5:00-5:30 and after I have trained I do a 3-4 k walk with my dad and my dog. I do this every weekday and then at the weekend I have a bit of asleep in.

And last but not least I love to do sport like soccer, and swimming. This year I have entered the swimming sports and I am gonna do Freestyle. This year I am also gonna play for a soccer team called the wizards. So I hope this year is gonna be a good one.

Romero Britto is the man that I got the influence from with his style of drawing but you can't see it right now but you should see it by next week.

I hope you all have a good year as well happy new year and I will be posting again next week so bye.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

waste to me

A trustable website about waste

I think that waste is basically trash that gets chucked in the bin after you have used it. Did you know that New Zealanders currently generate about 734kg of waste each per year? That amount has increased by around 20 per cent over the past three years. And also Waste can be put into five types of waste which is all commonly found around the house. These include liquid waste, solid rubbish, organic waste, recyclable rubbish and hazardous waste. Make sure that you segregate your waste into these different types to ensure proper waste removal.  

Some facts about waste are that We bin around 50m tonnes of electrical waste globally every year. We throw away 7.2 million tonnes of food every year, and more than half of it's perfectly edible. Between 20% and 40% of fruit and vegetables are rejected by supermarkets before they even hit the shelves. 

In conclusion, we are killing our planet with the amount of waste we are throwing
out of our homes but we are also helping create new things with our waste like paper cup holders new garbage


This is the writing about waste we had to do for our writing
It is about what waste means to me