
Friday, December 4, 2020

My superhero

Hey Guys

Welcome back to another blog post and today I will be showing you the superhero I had to make for school. He is a normal guy by day but a superhero by night. He has laser goggles and the speed of a cheetah. His name is Layne Nelson aka Agent laser. He works for the secret organization called yield. They are an organization that trains superheroes and they give them their superhero names and costumes. In the academy, Agent laser was at the top of his class and they just called him Agent L. I hoper you like my superhero.

Friday, October 16, 2020

1 week back

 Hey Guys

Welcome back to another blog post and today I will be talking to you about what we have been doing this week. This week we have been doing athletics training and we have done high jump, long jump, shot putt, and discuss practice. We have our actual athletics day in a couple of weeks and this is just building up to it. My favorite part of athletics is definitely the high jump because I have some spring in my feet.

The Holiday Ski Trip

Hey Guys
Welcome back to another blog post and today I will be telling you about what I did during the holidays. In the holidays my main highlight was the ski trip I went on with my family. We went up to Cadrona which is on a mountain between Queenstown and Wanaka. For the first day we went up there I wanted to ski like I normally do but the next day we went up there I wanted to learn how to snowboard. I got a snowboard lesson because I had never done it before. After the lesson, I was already going down the chair lift

The Ski Field

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Minecraft instant ice

 Hey Guys 

Welcome back to another blog post and today I will be showing you my instant ice experiment in Minecraft. Now when I did the experiment in real life I did not know that you had to put salt in the water to make it freeze better. Me and my friend made a massive cup in Minecraft and then put ice in it. After that, we made a bottle of water tipping water on to it. The water was turning into ice in Minecraft the second it hit the ice. We added some detail to the cup-like a heart and no 1 so it was not just a plain white cup.

The experiment we did was super fun afterward though because I got to have a slushy with the liquids I used. I hope you guys like my science experiment we did and I also hope you like the Minecraft creation we did too.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

My name in sign language

Hey Guys welcome back to another blog post, and today  I will be showing you how to say Kia ora my name is Tristan. Now you can look up the nzsl alphabet so you can sign your name to but don't do the exact same as me or else you will be saying Kia ora my name is Tristan. Here are some facts and knowledge about New Zealand sign language. NZSL is a combination of hand shapes, facial expressions, and body movements. 

NZSL is the natural language of the Deaf community in New Zealand; it reflects New Zealand culture by including signs for Maori terminology and concepts, which can not be found in other sign languages or countries. As one of the country’s official languages, more than 24,000 New Zealanders use NZSL daily. It is also the 12th most frequently used language out of approximately 190 languages currently used in New Zealand (Census 2006).

Link Here to video

Friday, September 11, 2020

Microwaves 4 Days

 Hey Guys 

Welcome back to another blog post and today I will be showing you my little business that we had to create for school this week. I did this with my friend Jayden and Reilly. Jayden originally came up with the idea for this business but then we helped him make this slide and basically make it a real fake business. The business is called Microwaves 4 days and we sell microwaves. You can rent them and buy them but we do not have a website.

Friday, September 4, 2020

Instant Ice Experiment

Hey Guys
Welcome back to another blog post and today I am going to be showing you my Instant ice experiment. For literacy, we have been learning about science and for the rest of the term, we have to develop our own science experiment. Me and my friend Jack made this slide and it has all the info about our experiment and soon we will add pictures on the slide of our intent ice experiments